Sunday, August 28, 2005

I am in Africa!!!!!!

I did not think I would get a chance to update this but I found a computer that will allow me, yeah. As you all hopefully know I arrived safely on Friday afternoon(Uganda time, which is ten hours later than westcoast time). Unfortunately my bags did not arrive and I still do not have them but hopefully I will get them tommorrow. It has been amazing being in Kampala, which is the capital of Uganda. There are so many people. It is also very green. Driving around the city is crazy there are so many people on the streets and cars on the road. They drive on the opposite side of the car and street here. That will take a little getting used to. When I cross the street I still look the wrong way before crossing, lets hope I don't get myself killed since pedestrians definately do not have the right of way here. I have been spending a lot of time with the Myre family (Scott and Jennifer and there children Luke, Caleb, Jake, and Julia), Amy (the teacher I will be working with), and two other teachers Matt and Bethany. It has been a lot of fun seeing the city. Amy and I went shopping yesturday for all of our groceries that might have to last us up to two months depending on when we can come back to Kampala. The people are so helpful and friendly here. Today we went to a big church in the city. It was so beautiful being able to worship with hundreds of Ugandans. I am getting a little anxious to get to Bundibugyo. I really want to see where I will be living. And I know that it is going to be so different from the city. We are going to be leaving Tuesday morning and driving the three hour bumby road treck to Bundibugyo. God has been so good and he continues to make it evident that this is where I am supposed to be. I know that there will probably be some hard times but I also know that He will get me through them especially since I have so many prayer warriors back at home. Thank you all so much for your prayers for my safe travels. I love you all and miss you all very much. I wish you could all see God's beautiful creation over here. Hopefully soon I will learn how to download pictures on to here. Please let me know how you are doing and don't hesitate to write a comment.
Until next time.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

12 hours in London

Well, I made it to London. I did not think i would write on here again until I got to Uganda but I have twelve hours to kill. I would have left the airport except I am traveling alone and I do not want to risk missing my flight. God has been so good to me even on my travels. My trunk was a couple of pounds over but the lady let it slide. Also, on my flight to London I got the window seat and the middle seat was empty. It made the flight ten times more comfortable. My next flight is a ten hour flight. We'll see if I luck out again. It is so weird to be here knowing that it is the middle of the night in Seattle but already almost 10am here. I hope you are all doing well. I look forward to you comments.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

In Philly

I am currently at the sending center taking care of all the legistics. My travels yesturday took a little longer than planned because of a storm in Georgia. They ended up closing the airport for about an hour so I got to Philly two and a half hours later than scheduled. But I did make it safe and sound and for the most part I did get a good nights rest last night. I am always well taken care of when I am here. I leave the sending center in about 3-4 hours and get on the plane at 7pm to head to London, where I have a 12 hour layover. The next time you will probably hear from me is when I reach my destination. I am getting more and more excited as I begin to realize that I am actually going. I thank you so much for your continued prayer.

I love you all very much!!!
Phil. 1:3-6


Thursday, August 18, 2005

I Can't Believe It!

Time has gone so fast. I am leaving in 5 days. I am leaving from Seattle on Tuesday the 23rd in the morning. I fly from Seattle to Philly where I will go to the sending center for my deployment. I leave Philly the evening of the 24th. From there I go to London, then to South Africa, and then finally Uganda. It will be an extremely long trip.
It still hasn't quite hit me that I am going to be leaving that soon. I have set up this blog so that I can write about some of my experiences. I will update it has much as I can. This also gives you a chance to write messages yourself if you choose to do so. Well, this first message is going to be short. I do want to say though that I am going to miss you all very much and that I love you all very much.