Friday, December 30, 2005


These are some pictures that I took on Christmas Day. In my update letter I wrote about how one of the traditions here is to decorate the front of the houses and trees in front with different plants and flowers. If you look closely you will see the trees decorated with balloons and plans and then in the other picture the children have collected different flowers for decoration.

Everyone was dressed up so beautifully on Christmas day. Most of the girls had on nice dresses. Some of the boys had on nice suits. This is the one day of year you will see that they really care about wearing really nice clothing.
The next few pictures are from our team celebration. We had a nice mean together and a gift exchange.

Liana, Louisa, and Gaby opening their gifts.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Elf Boogie and World AIDS Day

One of the team meetings at the beginning of December the kids and teachers performed the Elf Boogie coriographed by Matt. In honor of his birthday and just to be silly. The kids had a lot of fun and the parents loved it! I tried to get a couple more pictures of it on here but no luck.
These are pictures of some traditional dancing. This took place at the WORLD AIDS Day celebration. The pictures continue on the next post. I don't know why the one pic copied so many times.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


These pictures are from the World AIDS Day celebration. There was a group that came and performed some traditional dancing.

Pat had a table set up that promoted fighting AIDS. A lot of the women who have HIV made some beaded pins that mean Fight AIDS that were being sold.

Above is a picture of some of the mountains that are on one side of Bundibugyo. Below is a picture of some twins we saw when we were waiting for some bikers in the bicycle race.

Amy and I in the MAF plane. We just arrived right outside of Kampala. Boy were we happy to be on the ground.
Last Friday at the hospital in Bundibugyo town we had a Christmas celebration with the support group that Pat meets with each week. All the people in this support group are infected with HIV. We sang and even did some dancing. I got up with Biwah and did a little dancing myself. It was a lot of fun. Well, I hope you enjoyed these pics.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Grasshopper Pizza

Pat, Amy, and I with some of the Christ School teachers.
Pizza night. check out the grasshopper pizza. I actally ate a piece too!