Friday, September 08, 2006

Random August Pics

The picture above is of the road going out of Bundibugyo. You will notice how windy it is because it goes around the mountains. It is the only way in and out of this district.

This is the market in Bundibugyo town. I am standing with Pat and Joyce.
These are some of my P7 students. It is late in the afternoon and many of them have already left for the day. This is the second to last week of the school term.

This is one of the beauties of Uganda. Murchison Falls is one of the most amazing waterfalls.

Here I am pointing to our small country of Uganda on the big world globe.

Some of us brave couragious women took on the Nile river. It was quite the adventure. I am the second one on the right.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Summer Fun

This is just a glimps of our summer, but it is the best that I could do. The first few pictures are at Christ School Chapel. Here we are singing and dancing.
These are some of the Christ School students singing praises.

These two pics are from our hike over the Rwenzori Mts. We hiked from the Bundibugyio side to the Fort Portal side. It was an 8 hour hike and pretty challenging, but well worth it.
Below is a picture of all the interns with some of the singles from the team at the equator.
This is where Bethany and I waited for public at one point during our trip to Lira. We waited here for quite awhile before a vehicle finally past that could squize us in. I will never forget our different modes of transport on that trip.
This is part of the Rachele Rehabilitation center. This is one of the new little boys that came two days before our visit. He was still a little unsure about things and is choosing to eat by himself. Before we left Bethany and I got him to smile by taking his picture. He really enjoyed seeing it on the digital camera. There was one more pic of the center that I tried to put on here, but I don't know if it made it. I am still praising God for that experience. Please continue to keep these children in your prayers.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Together With Family and Friends

Each Day at the retreat different teams got to share pray requests and then others would gather around the team and we would have a time of prayer.

This is a really random picture, but I just had to throw is in because I think it is funny.

At the Acropolis, standing on Mars Hill. I can't even describe how amazing this was.

Me with my roomie. Monica works at the sending center and she helped put the entire retreat together. It was a blessing to get to room with her.

New friends. Two of these girls serve in Spain and the third serves in London.

Our team photo at the reatreat.

Our main mode of transportation on our travels. We spent two nights on a ferry.

Touring the old city of Dubrovnik.

Pigeons in Venice. Part of my family originated in Venice and there is even a palace there that was originally owned by a Stampalia and is now a museum. This made the trip here even more memorable.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Weekend of Bliss

The awesome singles went to Bushara Island for a weekend away. This island is located in southern Uganda near the Rwanda border. When we arrived at the island there was an orphangage visiting for the day and they did a dance performance. The last song that they performed was a simple song in English with funny motions, so they asked everyone to participate. It was a lot of fun.

On of the days we traveled by boat to another island where we were going to go to a well known market but instead we were led to a pygmi village where another dance performance took place. It was a day of the unexpected but a great adventure.
Below is a picture of the old pygmi man that led the way on our long hike to his village. Keep in mind we had no idea where we were going. How could you not follow such a cute old man though?

Many islanders use these dugout canoes to get from one island to the other. Let me tell you they are nothing like our canoes in America. Also, when they say dugout canoes they mean it.
On our way early in the morning to meet our matatu for our 11 hours back home to Bundibugyo.
I couldn't leave this picture out. This is of an island called punishment island. Many years ago they sent unwed pregnant women here to basically die. Pretty sad. I am glad they no longer practice that way of living.
I hope you enjoyed.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Come Together and Worship

A couple of Sundays ago some of the young girls in church performed a special song and dance. Dancing is a big part of this culture.
On our way to worship in Bubandi.
This is one of the church plants in Bubandi. It is not too far from the mission, maybe a few miles. The building looks small but I can tell you it is definately alive. This church is full of passion. They have started a building fund so that they can add onto their existing building.
These are some of the local children. Some of them attend Bubandi. The children come flocking when they see a Mujungu.
Heading home feeling blessed by the people in Bubandi and the message that was spoken through Bewah.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Celebration

What a day of celebration. Everyone wanted to come and welcome Pat's visitors. It was like a huge party in front of our house.

This is Scott Will and Pat watching the festivities. Below part of the Masso family is also enjoying the dancing.

I am always amazed at the way that they can move their bodies and feet. Believe me, they can shake their hips. I have tried and it is not easy.
Maybe I will try to dance for you when I return. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Journey

Above- Pamela and Joy, the two newest members of our team about to get on the MAF plane to head to Bundibugyo. Below- The Coast of Kenya

Lucky me. I was picked to help with a demonstration of what a witch doctor does. Quite and interesting experience. Dinner on the train. My first overnight experience on a train. It was a lot of fun.

The next two pictures are from the Christ School teacher retreat. I had a blast getting to know a lot of them better. Here we are at the source of the Nile.