Sunday, August 28, 2005

I am in Africa!!!!!!

I did not think I would get a chance to update this but I found a computer that will allow me, yeah. As you all hopefully know I arrived safely on Friday afternoon(Uganda time, which is ten hours later than westcoast time). Unfortunately my bags did not arrive and I still do not have them but hopefully I will get them tommorrow. It has been amazing being in Kampala, which is the capital of Uganda. There are so many people. It is also very green. Driving around the city is crazy there are so many people on the streets and cars on the road. They drive on the opposite side of the car and street here. That will take a little getting used to. When I cross the street I still look the wrong way before crossing, lets hope I don't get myself killed since pedestrians definately do not have the right of way here. I have been spending a lot of time with the Myre family (Scott and Jennifer and there children Luke, Caleb, Jake, and Julia), Amy (the teacher I will be working with), and two other teachers Matt and Bethany. It has been a lot of fun seeing the city. Amy and I went shopping yesturday for all of our groceries that might have to last us up to two months depending on when we can come back to Kampala. The people are so helpful and friendly here. Today we went to a big church in the city. It was so beautiful being able to worship with hundreds of Ugandans. I am getting a little anxious to get to Bundibugyo. I really want to see where I will be living. And I know that it is going to be so different from the city. We are going to be leaving Tuesday morning and driving the three hour bumby road treck to Bundibugyo. God has been so good and he continues to make it evident that this is where I am supposed to be. I know that there will probably be some hard times but I also know that He will get me through them especially since I have so many prayer warriors back at home. Thank you all so much for your prayers for my safe travels. I love you all and miss you all very much. I wish you could all see God's beautiful creation over here. Hopefully soon I will learn how to download pictures on to here. Please let me know how you are doing and don't hesitate to write a comment.
Until next time.



John said...

Michelle took up all my room so I'll just say Hi again! God bless. John

Amanda said...

Hey Kim,
How was your ride to your house? Was it as bumpy as you thought it would be? Did your luggage make it finally...I sure hope so. I can't wait until you figure out how to post pictures, I am very anxious to see where you are going to be living for the next two years.
Well, Michelle pretty much told you all about Hang Gliding. I had an amazing time. It really felt like I was just flying (the closest I can get to flying like a bird). It was so quiet and differetnt seeing everything from 5,000 feet up laying on your belly. I did get a little sick but I was able to keep it in...I thought I was going to puke on the cars on I-90 but I didn't. Michelle's crash was crazy. We were laughing pretty had for a long time and I still crack up when I think about it, I can only do that because no body got hurt. I will try to send you the pictures and maybe even the video if I can figure out how to do it.
Well, I am at work right now so I bettter get back to working.

Love ya, Amanda

John said...

So you are there now, it's 4am your time and Wednesday so you are offically there! I am excited to see pictures and I hope some are of your new brothers and sisters there. I know what a blessing you will be to those you serve. Don't forget to ask us to pray for specific things it helps to lift up specific especially when in group prayer. Be good, refect Jesus. John

Carlie Curlee said...

ooh la la! I am so excited and happy that you got there. It must be so much fun experiencing the new sights and sounds of Uganda. I can't wait to see pictures. Remeber that you can use 'Hello' from PICASA that lets you download them on your blogspot. I hope God is showing you amazing things already. God Bless!