Wednesday, August 24, 2005

In Philly

I am currently at the sending center taking care of all the legistics. My travels yesturday took a little longer than planned because of a storm in Georgia. They ended up closing the airport for about an hour so I got to Philly two and a half hours later than scheduled. But I did make it safe and sound and for the most part I did get a good nights rest last night. I am always well taken care of when I am here. I leave the sending center in about 3-4 hours and get on the plane at 7pm to head to London, where I have a 12 hour layover. The next time you will probably hear from me is when I reach my destination. I am getting more and more excited as I begin to realize that I am actually going. I thank you so much for your continued prayer.

I love you all very much!!!
Phil. 1:3-6


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Kim,
I was surprised to see that you got to post a message from Phily...I still can't believe that you are going to be gone for 2 years. You are going to have such and amazing time and God is going to use you like you never imagined. I will be praying for you daily.

I miss you! Love Ya, Amanda