Thursday, September 08, 2005

My Living Quarters

Here are a couple of pictures of where I live. I will not always be able to put pictures on my blog because it took a really long time. This first picture is a picture of our Cho or otherwords it is our bathroom. This is located behind our house. You may be asking youself, Where is the toilet? Well, that is an excellent question. You see the little purple stick. If you lift that thing up, there is an extremely deep hole. It is quite an experience. I have to squat to use the restroom everyday. The funny thing is that we are the only house left with a cho. The rest of the mission houses have toilets inside their house. It is not so bad. The worst part is going at night and walking to it after it just rained, like this morning, in order to get to it I had to walk through 3 inchest of rain.
These next few pictures are of my house. The shower room, part of the living room area, the kitchen, and my bedroom. I tried to download a picture of the front of my house but it did not work, maybe next time.

Weel, I hope you enjoyed these pictures. Sorry that there is not very many. It is going to be hard for me to get pictures of Bundibugyo and the people because they do not like cameras here. They think that we are taking pictures so that we can sell them in the U.S. Well, my time is almost up. I hope you are all doing well. I am about to head to our team meeting which we have every Thursday. Until next time.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Kim, the pictures are is nice have an image of what you are writing about. The toilet situation seems interesting. Hey but it is purple how fun is that!! I bet once the Ugandans get to know you better you will be able to take more pictures.
Well, have a great day...Love, Amanda