Sunday, September 11, 2005

Wonderful Weekend

It has been a great weekend. On Saturday I went to this waterfall. We were going to rock climb to the top but It started pouring buckets of rain and all of the rocks got extremely slick. It was still an adventure because we got part way up to the spot where you need equipment and waited there for about 30 min. It poured for about 20 of those minutes so we were dripping wet not to long after it started raining. There is also a little pool at the bottom of the fall, that all of the kids jump into. I jumped off this rock a couple of times, since I was already soaking wet anyways. On Saturday night we had a goodbye party for Bethany and Rachel. The missionaries have a tradition here when people leave to make up skits about them and perform them. Amy and I got to be a part of one that was about Bethany, it was a lot of fun. Tomorrow is going to be a sad day when they actually leave on the MAF plane. Today at church they prayed over Bethany, it was beautiful to see. It is so great to worship with the people here. There service is a lot longer than ours. It is about 2 ½ hours. I love their music and how they are so passionate about singing praises to God. They have a time where you can go up in front of everyone and sing a song for the Lord. Two girls went up today and sang a couple of songs in English. They also have a time of sharing prayer requests and then a time of prayer for the requests. I am really excited to learn more of the language so that I can understand more of what is being said. After church today four ladies from the church came over, so that Bethany could give them a gift before she leaves. They are such kind women, they also prayed for Bethany, and it was extremely obvious that she will be missed. Watching this gets me really excited to develop these wonderful friendships with the people here. Before the women left they were calling Amy and I their friends as well (this of course was all in Lubwisi, so Bethany was translating what she could).
Tomorrow will be a short school day because we will be getting out early to go see Rachel and Bethany off. If you read this on Monday, please keep Rachel and Bethany in your prayers, along with everyone else. It is not easy to say goodbye, especially when you have known a place as your home for awhile.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Please let me know how you are doing either by posting a comment or sending me an e-mail. I love you all!


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Kim, the water fall sounded like a lot of fun. Was the water warm? How high was the rock you jumped off of? Are any of the songs you sing in church familiar?
My weekend was nice and relaxing...I did a whole lot of nothing, just what I wanted.
Well, it sounds like you are doing well. I am sure your will start to build really good friendships with the Ugandans real soon. I am praying for you and your team.
Love Ya, Amanda