Its about time that I updated this blog! Here are a couple of pictures for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

These are some pictures of when we stopped at Emberaro Lake on our way home from Kampala last month. There were so many zebras. Amy and I decided to ride on the roofrack so that we could spot the animals easier, plus it is just more fun.

Here is what we call the single group of the team, which will soon expand by two people in the next two months.

These are some of the Ugandan girls that come and visit us often. Left to right: Ida, Asha, and Ida. They speak a little English but not very much. This picture was taken down at the creek. This is where everyone baths.

This is a picture of one of the babies at the health center. He is 6 months old and is way under weight. This is a basket which they use to weigh the babies. If a baby is extremely malnurished He or She will stay at the hospital until they have gained a little weight.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I have tried for over a week to get them on here. I know that it is nice having visuals though of what I talk and write about. I hope that you are all doing well.