Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Better Late Than Never

Every Tuesday afternoon I play basketball with some of the girls from Christ School. It is fun to be able to take them away from the stresses of school and through the ball around.

I invited my cell group over to my home for some Mac'n Cheese after our hike to some waterfalls.
Michelle with some of the neighborhood kids who like to come and visit
This is the church and community center that World Harvest planted many years back and continues to grow.
Giving and recieving is a big part of friendship here. The chicken that I am holding was a gift given to welcome my mother to Bundibugyio.
You never know when you are going to run into a herd of cattle in the middle of the road
Carol, Michelle, and I with some our the neighbor kids out on our front porch
Here I am with my beautiful roomies; Carol, Stephanie, and Amy

1 comment:

Amanda said...

YEAH! New pictures!!! It is so great to have you here in the "states" for a while Kim! Snowboarding on Wednesday....then it will be back to the heat for ya :o)