My time in Gulu was a wonderful experience with great company, new sites, and an opportunity to see hundreds of people come together to show that they desire to work together to keep peace in northern Uganda. The Guluwalk started with a 2 mile walk around Gulu town ending in a big open field. We gathered in the open area to hear various speakers, listen to musicians, and watch some dance groups. All of this was put together to remember the war that took place for over 20 years in the north, to celebrate how far they have come, and to show that people are continuing to commit to work together so that future generations of children no longer have to fear every time they put their head down to go to sleep. Thank you for praying for our safety as we traveled and for our time and experience in this new place. Enjoy the pictures below.

Hundreds of people came out to show their support in this event, both to walk and to cheer as spectators.

If you look closely you can see me and my teammate Pamela among the walkers.

My teammates and travel companions Stephanie and Pamela

This group of children were walking in front of us and later they performed durning the program which proceeded the walk.

Along the route that we walked many signs like the one above were posted.

These are some of the children who wrote the messages written on the signs like the one above. They each got to read their statement aloud during the program.

One of the dance groups that performed. They had such great energy

People signed this baord to show their committment to peace.
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