Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Trust in the Lord

I am finally updating my blog. It has been a really long time. I just returned to Bundibugyo from Kampala one night ago. The team here had an extended weekend so that we could all go into the city and take care of some business. It was nice to get away but at the same time leaving Bundibugyo really made it clear that it is starting to feel like home. I am glad to be back. I did get some down time on our trip. Kampala is never relaxing because it is a busy and crazy city. But on our way home we stopped at a small National Park and stayed the night. I got to see zebra, lots of different antelope, wart hogs, and a hippo. That was pretty cool. I also got to spend some time overlooking a beautiful lake and reading God’s word. The Lord has really been teaching me how to study His word and not just how to read it. I have been praying a lot about how the Lord wants me to use my time here. I also pray for wisdom daily. I have an opportunity to take over a Bible study for the women teachers at Christ School and what is called a Cell group (a small group of Ugandan girl students), which is kind of like a discipleship group, but I do not yet feel ready. Please pray that God will show me when I am ready and that I am patient for His timing.
Each day I am meeting new people. I will admit too that sometimes someone will say have you met him/her and I really can’t remember because I have met so many people. You can also pray that I remember names and faces because that can get really hard and I feel really bad when I do not remember.
I have been here only a short time and I already feel the Lord working in me and strengthening my faith. Recently the Lord has lain on my heart Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”
This applies to my life so much right now because not only am I trying to understand God’s word and how to share it but I am also trying to understand a new culture. The Lord has been showing me that I need to trust in Him and His wisdom to show me and guide me in the direction that He wants me to go. I also want to see the culture here not through my own eyes but through the Lord’s eyes. God is amazing and it is so wonderful how He can change a person in such a short amount of time.
I know the Lord is doing great things in all of your lives and I would love to hear about it. I know that I say that all the time but I just love to hear about your lives and the great things the Lord is doing. Please feel free to leave a comment or to write me an e-mail. I love you all very much.


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